
How to Find Low-Hanging Fruit Keywords in 2024

When it comes to SEO, finding the right keywords is essential. One way to find keywords likely to lead to traffic and conversions is to focus on low-hanging fruit keywords.

Low-hanging fruit keywords are keywords that are less competitive and easier to rank for than other keywords. This is often because they’re more specific and have lower search volume—despite which they’re still very valuable, especially if you’re targeting a niche audience.

In this article, I’ll help you discover how to find low-hanging fruit keywords easily.

We’ll explore the art of keyword research, learn how to spot those low-competition, high-reward phrases, and master the tools and strategies to help you grow your organic traffic.

Table of Contents

A Brief Overview: What Are Low-Hanging Fruit Keywords?

Low-hanging fruit keywords are search terms in the realm of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that are relatively easy to target and have the potential to yield quick and significant results.

These keywords typically fall into two categories:

Low Competition: These keywords don’t face intense competition from other websites. They’re often overlooked by competitors, making it easier for your content to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Decent Search Volume: Low-hanging fruit keywords may not be the highest searched terms, but they still have a respectable search volume. This means there’s a sufficient audience actively searching for these keywords.

How to Find Low-Hanging Fruit Keywords: 5 Quick Steps

So, how exactly do you pluck ripe low-hanging keywords from the SEO tree? The following are 5 simple steps guaranteed to elevate your keyword research game.

1. Search for Keywords on the Second Page

One of the easiest ways to find low-hanging fruit keywords is to look at the keywords you are already ranking for on the second page of Google. To do this, you can use Google Search Console or a keyword research tool like Semrush.

Once you have a list of keywords, you can start to analyse them. Look for keywords with decent search volume but not too much competition.

You should also consider the search intent for each keyword. Ensure that the keywords are relevant to your website and likely to lead to the type of traffic you want.

SEMRUSH website

2. Use SEO Tools

There are a number of SEO tools that can help you to find low-hanging fruit keywords. Some of the most popular tools include Google Keyword Planner, LowFruits, Semrush, and Ahref.

For starters, Google Keyword Planner provides access to Google’s vast database of search queries, trends, and competition. It helps you generate keyword ideas based on your product, service, website, or category.

This feature is invaluable when you’re looking for low-hanging fruit keywords that are relevant to your niche.

Meanwhile, Semrush offers a comprehensive keyword research platform that can help you spot those golden keywords efficiently, as you can filter for keywords with moderate search volume and lower competition.

Finally, Ahrefs enables you to analyse your competitors’ websites and identify the keywords they’re ranking for. This information can help you uncover potential low-hanging fruit keywords that your competitors may have overlooked.

3. Analyse Competitor Content

Another way to find low-hanging fruit keywords is to analyse your competitors’ content.

Look at the keywords that they’re ranking for and see if there are any gaps in their content that you can fill. You can also look for opportunities to create more in-depth and detailed content than your competitors.

When you’re analysing your competitors’ content, pay attention to the following:

  • What keywords are they ranking for?
  • What topics are they covering?
  • What is the quality of their content?
  • Are there any gaps in their content that you can fill?

4. Optimise Your Page Elements

It’s not just about finding the right keywords; it’s also about using them effectively. 

Ensure that every element of your web pages, from titles and headings to meta descriptions and image alt tags, is optimised for your chosen keywords. 

When search engines like Google crawl your site, they should find a clear roadmap of what your content is all about.

5. Consider Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are specific and face less competition compared to short-tail keywords. This makes them a great target for low-hanging fruit keywords.

They can also be a perfect fit for creating content that attracts a highly targeted audience and boosts your organic search traffic.

Bonus Tips to Ensure a Foolproof Low-Hanging Fruit Strategy.

Here are some additional tips for finding low-hanging fruit keywords:

  • Use a variety of sources to find keywords. Don’t just rely on one keyword research tool.
  • Be creative. Think outside the box and come up with unique keyword variations.
  • Consider your target audience. What keywords are they likely to search for?

How to Plan the Ideal Low-Hanging Fruit Strategy

Creating an effective low-hanging fruit keyword strategy is crucial for improving your website’s search engine visibility. 

You can start putting one together after you’ve identified low-competition keywords with decent search volume and long-tail keywords that align with your content and audience.

1. Regular Monitoring and Refinement

To monitor how well your low-hanging fruit keyword strategy is doing, regularly check its performance.

You can use tools such as Google Analytics to keep track of any shifts in your organic traffic and keyword rankings.

Based on the insights and feedback you gather, make necessary adjustments to your strategy.

2. Adapt and Evolve

SEO is a dynamic field, and keyword trends can change. Stay flexible, be ready to adapt your strategy and update your keyword list as needed to stay ahead in the game.

3. Promote Your Content

It’s not enough to publish or optimise content – you still need to promote it. This will help you get more website traffic and improve your chances of ranking higher in SERPs.

You can promote your content through social media, email marketing, and other online channels.

4. Utilise All Keywords Necessary

The focus should never be just low-hanging fruit keywords. For a successful SEO optimisation strategy overall, you also need to pay attention to the following:

Local keywords: Those include a specific location. This can be a great way to target customers in your local area.

Seasonal keywords: Those are relevant to specific times of the year. This can be a great way to target customers during busy times of the year.

Long-tail keywords: Those are easier to rank for and can lead to more targeted traffic.

Why Are Low-Hanging Fruit Keywords Important?

Low-hanging fruit keywords play a crucial role in digital marketing and SEO strategies for several reasons.

1. Quick Wins

Low-hanging fruit keywords are relatively easy to target and rank for. They’re often less competitive than broader, high-volume keywords. 

This means you can achieve quick wins by optimising your content for these keywords, attracting organic traffic, and boosting your website’s visibility.

2. Building Authority

Targeting and ranking for low-hanging fruit keywords allows you to establish authority and relevance with search engines.

When you consistently appear in search results for specific queries, it signals to search engines that your website provides valuable content, leading to higher rankings for more competitive keywords in the long run.

3. Increased Organic Traffic

By optimising for low-hanging fruit keywords, you can increase your website’s organic traffic. 

These keywords may have lower search volumes individually, but when you target multiple low-hanging fruit keywords, the cumulative effect can be substantial, driving more visitors to your site.

4. Improved User Experience

Low-hanging fruit keywords often align with specific user intents and needs.

Creating content optimised for these keywords helps provide valuable information to your audience, enhancing their overall experience on your website and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

5. Content Focus

Targeting low-hanging fruit keywords encourages you to create focused, relevant, and valuable content. This benefits your SEO efforts and ensures that your content resonates with your target audience, leading to higher engagement and better user satisfaction.

Close-up of a man working on laptop

Examples of Using Low-Hanging Fruit Keywords

Now that you fully understand low-hanging fruit keywords, from how to optimise them to their numerous benefits, let’s look at their practical applications.

Blog Posts

Create blog posts centred around low-hanging fruit keywords since it allow you to provide specific, helpful content that’s more likely to rank well.

For instance, if you’re a fitness blog, target less competitive keywords like “easy home workouts for beginners” rather than broad terms like “fitness tips.”

Product Descriptions

If you’re an e-commerce site, optimise product descriptions with relevant low-hanging fruit keywords.

For a fashion retailer, this might involve using keywords like “affordable summer dresses” for a specific product page.

Local SEO

Businesses with physical locations can greatly benefit from local SEO as it helps attract local customers.

Use low-hanging fruit keywords that include your location, such as “best Italian restaurant in [Your City]” if you run an Italian restaurant.

FAQ Sections

Incorporating low-hanging fruit keywords into your FAQ sections is innovative and easy. 

Say you’re a tech company – answer questions like “How to troubleshoot common phone issues” if those keywords align with your offerings.

In Summary

With the help of this detailed guide, you’ve learned how to find low-hanging fruit keywords successfully. You know these keywords are indispensable when building a strong SEO strategy.

Remember our tips and easy steps when curating an optimization plan for your website, and you’ll be sure to drive traffic, increase organic SEO, and build authority in no time.

Phillip Stemann
Phillip Stemann
I love SEO. It's what I live and breathe. I took a different approach than the average SEO expert. I started as a programmer, transitioned into the technical aspect of SEO, which I've always found interesting, and then focused on content using the right tools, which I'm reviewing on my YouTube channel.

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