
Blogely – A Complete Writing App With An AI Assistant

Do you also find it time-consuming, doing original research when you want to build content? Well, today’s product showcase might be able to solve that for you. Today’s product showcases Blogely, and it’s not replacing original research. That’s not possible, but it’s coming pretty close. Via Blogely you start out by, of course, with your keyword doing research. And based on this research, you can now start creating your article. This research is making it possible for you to create a better article in the end. When you’re done writing your article in their article.

You can either choose to publish it on your website. They have integrations for WordPress, Ghost Blog and many more, or you can choose to sell it. They have an entire portfolio module where you can sell your articles and I will show you all of these different modules. So without further ado, let’s dive into Blogely and test it out.

When you sign in to Blogely, this is the first view that you see, this is basically here where everything starts. Here, we can write an article, we can start a new research, or we can see our editorial calendar.

One thing I want to point out is that down here, they have AI assistant, collaborate and create job, but these features are not developed yet. This means that they have just added it to showcase that they will come soon, but they could at least added coming soon label in order for me not to have this bad experience. But I want to start to take you to the research centre where we can create a research document for our article. So I want to write an article based on interning link building using WordPress and how we can succeed doing that.

So when we start with our research document, it’s basically completely empty. Over here we can gather data where we can take the top hundred results in the search engine. We have my links where we can add links relevant for the research. We have notes where we can add notes, the keywords which are relevant for this research document. And under each keyword, we have these different elements as well, where we have autocomplete questions and ideas. Autocomplete is what we see when we Google on something.

Then Google is suggesting stuff. This is the autocomplete and at least we have our SEO heat map built. But what I usually do is that I go into the SERP one hundred and then I enter my keyword that I’m focussed on. What’s important to notice here is that you can actually request information from Google Scholar. This is more deep information and it’s more expert knowledge on the subject. And this is a cool, cool feature. But I’ll just go without for now.

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And then I will gather the top hundred data on internal link building WordPress. I now got the results back on internal link building WordPress. And if I click on it, then you can see that I have the different results and I have all the way up to page 10. And this is the top hundred search results on this keyword. For each result. I can click on it and then I can, of course, add to my links if I find relevant, but I can also get their outline.

And for each outline there’s of course, text, this is an image, of course. So you can see the different text here. If I want to use this, let’s say that I like this section, then basically I just hit this button and then this added to my research document. And the more I add to my research document, the bigger of course it gets. If you don’t want to sit and open up all of these elements, you can also go to outline where they are already open for you and then faster for you to check whether you want to add new outlines or what it is you want, of course, for each outline you create a block, whereas within this block you can add content.

You have your different blocks up here where you control them. Overall, the UX can be a little bit confusing. So don’t worry if you also find confusing. But for instance, up here is where you control the different blocks that it is that you have created is our first block where we have the content. We added our second block and our third block. You can also control it down here. Overall, this is something that I really hope that they will improve in the future.

Furthermore, based on our internal link building WordPress keyword, we have questions here. And as we know, we need to be able to answer some of these questions because this is the questions asked around the keyword. So it’s great to see that we can basically just add these questions to our research document. So when we start creating our article for this, then we have all of the questions we need to answer. The last thing is statistics. And this is basically where Blogely scan’s the websites that are ranking top hundred, and then they try to gather the statistics.

And this is often percentages or in this case, it’s a lot of images it finds as statistics. Sometimes it’s more precise than others here, for instance, it’s just a release date that much statistics about this. But here we have some statistics. It seems it’s a WordPress plugin and so on. But when usually I’m done with my research document, I go up. And then I start it as an article, as you can see now, I clicked on show as an article, but nothing really happened.

And this is another thing within Blogely that you need to be aware of. You don’t get a lot of success messages or help to know that what you have done is correct, but its now saved as an article. So I will go out of the research document, and we can now see some of my research documents laying here and the keywords again, pending. This you will see a lot in the app. What we’ll do now is that we’ll go to articles where hopefully it should lay within, and we can see that it’s laying right here as my research document.

If I then open it, I have the different blocks out here and then I can basically just start writing. This is from the research centre. And as you can see, I’m not the biggest fan of how it’s working. I think it’s a little bit buggy to feel this way, but I hope that it will improve this in the future based on all of the feedback that they get. So this is all of my research documents. But again, we have the notes, then we have libraries that we can add if we want to.

We have versions, so we can make different versions of our articles, so we can always go back, if there’s something we don’t like here. You can manage your affiliate links, if that’s what you are doing, and here we have the AI tool where we can create paraphrases and of course in the end we have the SEO tool where we can scan our blog post, and then we’ll get some SEO optimisation based on that. Furthermore, when we are done writing our article over here, we can go to the SEO section The SEO section is basically where we optimise the article for the keyword that we chose.

Again, I feel there’s a lot of manual work here that I have to copy paste and remember the titles and so on. I feel that it could automatically draw in the title that I’ve written up here and put it here. And the meta description. Maybe they should use AI in order to generate this meta description. So I don’t have to start from a blank, again here when I have to fill out the slug, it’s not converting it into a URL.

I’m really missing some help. So I have to I don’t have to manually sit and do the dashes. I have now filled it out and of course I can add a featured image if that was what I wanted to. Furthermore, here I can now at the keywords again, I wish that it took this from the research document which is connected to the article, but I’ll need to write it in again. I have now added intern link building WordPress as my keyword and out here you can see that I get a score of sixteen, which is very bad, and I should then go back and optimise both my meta description, but also my article overall. On the last step, we can get an SEO review and this is basically telling me what I need to do better in order to get a higher SEO score from Blogely.

And this is like the normal ones. We know that we need to have headings. We need to have a better slug. We need to have more focus keywords in the meta description, the URL length, the length of the content, focus, keyword, SEO title and so much more. So this is just a small tool and often a WordPress plugin can do this for you if that’s what you want. Furthermore, when we have our article here, we have different assets here.

As I’ve shown previously, we have the SEO tab which have just shown you. Then we have collaboration which is also pending. Then we have plagiarism. And in here we can basically see whether our article is a copied version, which it is right now, because it’s just a copy paste from another website or not. This cost credits to run. Just be aware of that. I have tested it on some other articles and it seemed to work pretty well. The last thing, which is a very cool thing, is their summary.

This is again an AI driven summary, which means that they scan your blog post that you have written or your article, and then they make a summary based on that. I tested it out on some other articles and the outputs seemed to be acceptable. I still had to add a lot because the output was fairly small. It was not so long. Just to show you on one of my other articles here, I have my article here and it’s a decent length.

Of course, it’s not the longest article, but based on that, it has made a summary, and you can see here. The summary is, OK, it’s highlighting some prices and trying to sum everything up, but it’s very, very short. I would like it to be a much longer summary. But if we go back to the dashboard, we have now tested out the write new article and the start new research. If you want, you can import existing blog post articles where you basically just plot in a URL, a Google Doc or an HTML file.

If I try to import my article here about how to succeed with Internal link building from another website, then we’ll see now how it turns out. So when it has imported this is the screen, I see again, I don’t get any success message. I’m not redirected to the article. This is what I see. So I have to now manually go in to my content and then find that it has imported right here. Now when I go into it, it’s OK imported, I must say.

It has not imported the picture, which is on top and in the bottom, it has added author information and this is not relevant at all. Of course, this is difficult for it to choose not to import, but it would be cool if we in the future could choose what to import and what not to import. Out here it has automatically made the different blocks, which is cool. I would wish that if it found a table of content, which we have here, that it made blocks depending on that.

But overall, the import feature works very well and it imports entire content. When we work with articles, we have a workflow out here. This workflow you can make exactly as you want. I have made mine here where we have the research first, then writing, then editing, proofreading, enhancement and so on down there. And it’s a manual process. It’s not like when I move from research to start writing that it automatically checks out its manual that I have to go in and check.

But it’s a cool feature is a small thing that helps me make sure that I do every single step of the way. The SEO optimise I’ve shown you within the article that we just wrote. Now in the editorial calendar, we basically get an overview of our different articles out here, which are unpublished and what has been planned to be published. And we can easily drag over and lay it down. But if I again lay it down here, it’s difficult for me to know that it actually let go immediately and it’s planned to be there.

I would like for it just to let go immediately and then in the background, do whatever it needs to do. This is not the best experience. Furthermore, we can publish on our CMS. This is whether it’s our WordPress or what it is, but I can choose the article I want to publish here, then I can move on and then I can choose the integration I want to publish to. This was also what I mentioned in the introduction.

However, this is not working based on my testing very well. I have set up my WordPress integration and as you can see here, I have set up my staging website, but I haven’t gotten it to work and I’m in a dialogue with the support to get it to work. They say that CloudFlare is actually blocking their IP when they try to connect to my website. But this is not the case. I have white listed and it still happens.

So I don’t know what it is that does it. But when it is that it can connect to my website, it will automatically drag all the information. Like I can choose an author here, I can choose my different categories and I can choose to publish date. Of course, I can add an excerpt because it’s within WordPress. But furthermore, I can then press next step and then I can submit it, if that’s what I want to do. And now it’s going to say that it’s error because it couldn’t create.

And that’s the problem that I am having right now. Furthermore, you can actually get feedback on your article, so when you’re done writing your article, you can choose whether you want to get feedback from other people. So basically, when you want to get feedback, of course you need to reach out to other people for them to get feedback. But here you basically get a link that you can share with people, and then they can give you feedback.

Again, here I am not receiving any success message, so I don’t know whether it got created or not. We can see that its check marked here. So we just have to assume that it’s actually shared, and we have the link now. But if I have to get the link, I have to manually press, OK, and then I have the link here again. And when we click on this link, basically we’re just presented with the article here.

Of course, if I want to give feedback, I need to enter my credentials and then I’m presented with this view. Of course, this was just a very brief article I made, and if I want to give feedback, I press the feedback button and then I basically just start typing and this everyone can do. You don’t need to be signed in to Blogely to do it. This means that you can share it with if you’re working with clients, you can share it with your client, but you can also share with everyone you want.

Furthermore, you can share on social media. This is very, very low level and I don’t see the big value in sharing this. I can choose whether I want to share it on LinkedIn, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Buffer and Reddit. But this is basically just sending me to the social media and I can press publish. This doesn’t create any value for me, to be honest. I would like them to see an integration to Missinglettr to Buffer to Hootsuite, where we can schedule all of this.

Instead, we have to manually press on Twitter or LinkedIn in order to share this post. The last thing I want to show you is manage portfolios. And in here, this is where you can sell your articles. So I have made a portfolio called marketing articles and when I click on that, I have my different settings here where I can set my own logo, which I have done here by URL. I can add a thank you message. I can add a description about section and so much more in the configuration.

I choose what’s visible on Google and I have down here my URL and if I want my own subdomain, I can also add that. The last section is where I add the articles that I want to add to my portfolio. Let’s just say that I want to add these two articles, then I press done and there are now two articles on my portfolio. So if we’re going to look at my portfolio, this is basically how it looks like. And if I could sell my articles, they would be listed here and other people would be able to go in and buy them if that was what they wanted.

This is a very simple content portfolio and you can, of course, make it more extensive and people can write your messages up here. But this is a great and easy way to get started in terms of selling your articles so you don’t have to reach out and manually try and send an article back and forth where you maybe are afraid that they will basically just steal your article. Remember, Blogely takes a commission fee of selling your article between 10 and 15 percent, depending on the plan you have.

But that’s basically all of the features they have right now available. Of course, there are a lot of content which I cannot access right now because they have just added menu points. But I’m not able to go in and try them out because they are not done yet. I hope that they will definitely improve this in the future because right now it’s not working for me very well.

When we take a look at Blogely’s pricing structure, it consists of four different plans.

If you want to get started completely free, you should choose the basic plan where you can try some articles. You can create a content portfolio where you can sell your articles, though, be aware that the content commission is pretty high. It’s on 15 percent. If we go to the paid plans, it gets lower in the sales commission and you get a lot more features. These different plans are differing on the amount of content portfolios, the amount of published articles, the amount of connected websites and so on.

Furthermore, the higher you get in the plans, the more credits you get. And these credits you can generate content, you can use it on SEO heat maps and so much more in the future that they are working on. I have to say their AI module is not done as I’m doing this video, but it seems that it’s almost done when I look at their website, The Future for Blogely, seems quite interesting. They are working more with AI and AI it’s definitely a focus for them.

This is very interesting in terms of generating content within Blogely, because Blogely is meant for doing research and creating articles. And if we can generate content within the same tool, it just makes it so much more easy and fast to create good and converting content. Furthermore, of course, they’re focussed on optimising the UX, optimising the functionality within Blogely by creating multi users. But a more exciting thing is integrations. They’re working to integrate with Zapier, Pabble, IFTTT and so on.

With these integrations, we can automate it even more. And this is so exciting to see that their focus on this because this is what will drive it in the future. If you want to see the entire future of Blogely that you can go to their roadmap. I will leave a link in the description below and you can also give your input to Blogely if you think that there’s something you want to give them that they need to develop for you to use.

So overall, Blogely is an alternative to Frase and to Marketmuse. Blogely is not the same level as Frase in terms of research and content generation within the tool. I would say personally, based on my testing, of course it differs from person to person. But overall, Blogely has really helped me improve my SEO profile of my website. And I hope with all the features that Blogely are bringing in now that I’ll be able to improve even more. So that’s my review of Blogely and an alternative to Frase and to Marketmuse.

Thank you so much for all the new subscribers. And if you’re new to this channel, don’t forget to subscribe. If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up. And if you have any questions about Blogely or other products you would like me to review, please leave a comment down below. Thank you so much for watching. Let’s catch up on the next one.

Phillip Stemann
Phillip Stemann
I love SEO. It's what I live and breathe. I took a different approach than the average SEO expert. I started as a programmer, transitioned into the technical aspect of SEO, which I've always found interesting, and then focused on content using the right tools, which I'm reviewing on my YouTube channel.

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